The success of your business is underpinned by competitiveness and profitability, both of which are maximized in the long run by doing best what matters most to customers - this book will help you reach that goal. Written by three leading practitioners, this fully revised second edition of How to Measure Customer Satisfaction is a highly practical guide to developing and running an effective customer satisfaction measurement (CSM) programme. To be effective, a CSM programme must first of all produce accurate measures - this book takes readers step-by-step through designing and implementing a CSM survey, highlighting blunders that are commonly made and explaining how to make sure that the measures produced are accurate and credible. It also covers ways of gaining understanding and ownership of the CSM programme throughout the organization, the second key requirement for its long-term success. Importantly this new edition now includes a new section on electronic surveys, which are much more prominent now than when the book was first published in 1999. Finally, the relationship between customer satisfaction and concepts such as loyalty and delight are explored. If you are committed to the future of your company, the ability to measure what your customers think of you is essential - and so is this book!
7 ' S ' Model The system devised by the then McKinsey team of Richard Pascale , Tom Peters and Robert Waterman to measure the quality of a company's performance : the seven ' S ' factors divide into three ' hard ' ( strategy , structure ...
This text brings together customer service focus and marketing, providing practical methods and advice on how to find out what your customers really want and then delivering it.
The Savvy Consumer
Analysing Customer Defections: Predicting the Effects on Corporate Performance
The message of this book is to that it is necessary to take to time to understand what the person needs, hence his or her company, show a product or demonstrate a service that will help them to succeed, and provide continual service to ...
... Eyes—Assessing Cues GEE) CECE o Auditory Eyes—Assessing Cues ...
Seducing the Vigilante Customer: Winning Strategies to Guarantee the Return of Happy Customers and Healthy Profits
Phillips Petroleum implemented its Internal Customer Satisfaction Process for all corporate staffs in 1993. The purpose of the Internal Customer Satisfaction Process was to align staff services with the needs and requirements of ...
CONSTANCY OF PURPOSE ORIGINS OF THE PHRASE Dr W. Edward Deming is one of the people credited with founding and defining the quality revolution , and particularly with acting as a catalyst for the remarkable manufacturing growth of post ...