Now we don't want to start Christmas like this, do we? Cheating at snakes and ladders, fighting over comic books, a bungled infidelity beneath the tree. Christmas has arrived in the Bunker household along with family and friends. But as the children lurk just out of sight, it's the adults who are letting the side down. I couldn't. Not in our sitting-room. Not in front of the television. Somewhere else. Presiding over the festivities are two warring uncles, one a kindly, incompetent doctor with an interminable puppet show to perform; the other a bullying retired security guard who dominates the TV, brings toy guns for his nieces and determines there's a thief in their midst. Alan Ayckbourn's masterly Season's Greetings offers a seriously entertaining look at the misery and high jinks of an average family Christmas. The play opens at the National Theatre, London, in December 2010. Three times I caught him at it. Ripping open presents, helping himself to the contents.
A perfect companion to the holidays offers recipes ranging from traditional meal plans and snacks to decorations and gift ideas, in an updated version sprinkled with new photographs and containing many spectacular, delectable delights that ...
30 Unique Holiday-Themed Postcards This book features quotes and images from the series South Park to enjoy and send.
Discusses the traditions and special events of United States Presidents and their families during the Christmas season; includes photos of Presidential Christmas cards, gifts, and trees.
Snowball tends to ham it up with the children , sometimes literally tumbling down the path to Santa's house . I tend to frown on that sort of behavior but Snowball is hands down adorable — you want to put him in your pocket .
Season's Greetings includes reproductions of handmade art objects or limited printings that come from the Estate of Monroe.
These images represent the humor and beauty in everyday scenes that are "hiding" in plain sight. Seasons Greetings by Richard Frank makes the perfect holiday gift!
With sixty-four pull-out holiday greeting cards that feature photos of the stars of the hit Disney Channel show, Hannah Montana , this is one hot holiday buy.
Season's Greetings - Art Deco Christmas Greeting Cards
With sixty-four pull-out holiday greeting cards that feature photos of the stars of the hit Disney Channel show, Hannah Montana, this is one hot holiday buy.
The perfect gift for friends, family and loved ones this holiday season.A Christmas / X-Mas Card just won't do!!