Drama Charcters: 2 male, 2 female w/doubling Bare stage with set pieces Anne and Colin are a thirty-ish British couple who desperately want a child. With stark realism, harrowing insight, and dark humor, their efforts to achieve this blessing are portrayed as the embers of their hope become the ashes of their dreams and with bitter experience they summon the strength and love to go on. "Probably the most important play of the season...It is entertaining, it is funny, it is bitter, and it is handsomely poetic."-The New York Times "Astonishing!"-The Village Voice
Edward Hudlin maintains that the book follows very closely the structure of the heroic myth as outlined by Joseph Campbell ... Carol Pearson and Katherine Pope look at Dorothy's adventures from a mythological and feminist perspective.19 ...
Cf. Ach. 849; Av. 8o0 on 6é koshiyo ye okóðtov d'Irote TuApévo ('and you [resemble] a blackbird plucked in a bowl-cut'; not a flattering description); Eup. fr. 313. 2 with K-A ad loc.; Hermipp. fr. 13; Poll. ii. 29; Pearson on S. fr.
Follows the fates of Hecuba, Andromache, Cassandra and the other women of Troy after their city has been sacked, their husbands killed, and their remaining families about to be taken away as slaves (it runs parallel to the events in ...
And one actor and one actress play all 10 characters. This is Ayckbourn's most unusual look yet at the foibles of middle class living.1 woman, 1 man
Henrik Ibsen Plays : Three Rosmersholm , The Lady from the Sea , Little Eyolf This is the third volume of a six - volume collection presenting all of Ibsen's famous prose plays written in the twenty - five years from 1875 to the end of ...
A beautiful and haunting tale of love, betrayal, knowledge, and power, Life's a Dream (La vida es sueño, 1636) is the best known and most widely admired play of Catholic Europe's greatest dramatist, Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
Camp is a tender feeling Susan Sontag , “ Notes on Camp ” I personally think , that if you're a queer girl , you better have a damn good sense of humor , otherwise you're gonna get shit on a lot more . Marnie , age 17 Most of the queer ...
오리지널 웨스트엔드 프로덕션의 공식 대본.해리 포터로 사는 일은 늘 힘들고, 어른이 되어서도 상황은 크게 나아지지 않는다. 그는 마법부 직원으로 격무에 시달리면서도 한 ...
本书收录了《错误的喜剧》、《爱的徒劳》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《理查二世的悲剧》、《温莎的风流娘儿们》、《裘力斯·凯撒》、《皆大喜欢》、《第十二夜》等13个莎士比亚 ...
"Stewart Parker was a playwright whose sense of history and elegance of wit and feeling were unusual in the British Theatre" (Observer) This volume includes three of Stewart Parker's most striking plays - Northern Star: 'Only an Irishman ...