Winner of AATE's Distinguished Play Award and originally produced at The Kennedy Center, Amber Waves focuses children in a family struggling to hold on to their farm and each other. This acclaimed one act about children in a struggling farm family is now available in a full length version that builds on the emotional strengths of the shorter play.
"I have written a couple of other manuscripts reflecting my research and teaching experiences. These are titled "The Sociol-ogy of Creativity," and "A Primer of Sociological Theory.
Zijn moeder, Leontine Marie Gerardine Dieudonnée Geradts (1841-1875) was een dochter van Pierre Mathieu Hubert Geradts (1802-1888), die in 1856 door de Roermondse architect Pierre Cuypers het kasteel Aerwinkel in Posterholt liet bouwen ...
Set in the Kaw River Valley where Paretsky grew up, 'Bleeding Kansas' is the story of the Schapens and the Grelliers, two farm families whose histories have been entwined since...