THE CHORUS : Clara T. Bracy , Alice Esden and Lillian Brennard . Play staged by B. Iden Payne . First production of this play in America . 5 The Old Lady Shows Her Medals SCENE ONE A basement THE OLD LADY SHOWS HER MEDALS ...
This volume contains a total of 5 PLAYS, by British author J.M.Barrie, the famous creator of the character PETER PAN.
The New Word, The Old Lady Shows Her Medals, A Well-Remembered Voice and Barbara's Wedding
J M Barrie wrote Peter Pan first as a work of prose and then adapted it for the stage.
A wonderful collection that will greatly appeal to fans and collectors of Barrie s work, Echoes of War is a compendium with obvious literary value and rightly deserves a place atop any bookshelf. This book was originally published in 1920.
Staff List Patrons Sir Michael Caine, Sir Simon Hughes, Andy Serkis Board of Trustees Sarah Hickson, Rodney Pearson, Giles Semper, Kathryn Serkis, Glenn Wellman, Tim Wood (chair) General Manager Corinne Beaver Theatre Manager Joe ...