The British Library General Catalogue of Printed Books, 1986 to 1987
Geographical Analysis of Natural and Cultural Landscape: A Methodological Study in Southwestern Iceland
There is a quite precise grazing calendar followed by sheep owners. In Șurdești, the flocks go to the mountains on 21 May, the feast of St. Constantine and Helen, a feast that has become a landmark of the pastoral calendar.
First edition of a bibliography listing over 85,000 titles that are part of a sequence or series. Three access points are given for each title. Section 1 list all titles...
... rich men such as local pasha or bei offered kurban in the vicinity of their summer dairy farm on the occasion of the ... the ewes grazed on summer pastures and were kept outside the village, in sheepfolds equipped as dairy farms.
Pastoral images fields on a sunny day , a peaceful meal at the farm , a sheepfold in the summer , etc. — may be used to make the life of the heroes appear in an especially idyllic light before the catastrophe hits them .
One man a nonorganic farmer, told me that organic farmers often adhere to fairly conventional farming practices, only they replace ... Most importantly, he said, the sheepfold remains at the centre of farms producing organic milk.