When Dr. Margaret sat down to write about her almost 24 year-old marriage, what emerged was the same number of feisty and honest thoughts about what marriage is, and what it definitely is not. Now accompanied by evocative images from around the world by photographers Deborah Strauss and Christine Mathias, her words bring a knowing smile, a nod of the head, and a recognition of hard-earned truth. This slim volume packs a punch and is a perfect gift to honor those who’ve loved each other for years, to guide those who’ve only recently considered commitment…or to keep for yourself. Keywords: Dr. Margaret Rutherford, humor and love marrige books, advice books for newly married couples, marriage books for couples, great gift books for weddings
This slim volume packs a punch and is a perfect gift to honor those who've loved each other for years, to guide those who've only recently considered commitment... or to keep for yourself.
The author chronicles her year-long project, during which she committed to cooking three seasonal and local meals on only $40 per week, in a book that includes 150 recipes, such as Lemon-Tarragon Pickled Asparagus and Greek-Marinated ...
Suddenly the ten-year-old son burst through the back door carrying a big rat by the tail. "Don't worry, Mom," he said, "he's dead. First I hit him with a brick, then I grabbed a two by four and hit him with that, then I kicked him, ...
Here is a selection of astonishing true stories that will leave you convinced of the reality of God like never before.
In P. McLoughlin (ed.), African Food Production Systems: Cases and Theory. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. Ribeiro, D. 1968. The Civilizational Process. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institute Press. Richard-Molard, J. 1944.
The large herd of cows becomes the basis for the intended marriage . If , after marrying this man , the woman finds out that he had fooled both her and her family and that he had only one goat and four chickens then there is no basis ...
BREEDS: Araucana, Brahma and Pekin (white, black, porcelain and millefleur; hens and roosters). The Araucanas and Brahmas are Will's. NAMES (STRAP YOURSELVES IN): BLACK PEKINS: Rook, Raven, Hujen, Moonen and a rooster, Jebediah WHITE ...
My thoughts go back to my youth. On hot Illinois summer nights, fireflies illuminated the dark with their courtship dance. My sister and I, with Mason jars in hand and tops perforated for the breathing, captured dance partners.
This book starts at the end and ends with a return to the beginning.
Ducks like water but chickens never go swimming. Marrying a duck and a chicken requires more than compromise; it is like literally mixing oil and water which never mix anyway! My point here is that being a Christian is not the one and ...