I will lead you on a journey that will delve into the history of the Emerald Tablets and the secret mysteries contained within these cryptic artifacts. As we begin, it is important for you to know that The Emerald Tablets were written by an ancient being known as Thoth the Atlantean. To date, there have been two manifestations of the Emerald Tablets. First, thousands of years ago Thoth created multiple tablets of text and then concealed the location of these ancient tablets. Second, Thoth chose to incarnate as Hermes the Thrice Great.
See also Adler , 127-129 ; Schaer , 103-106 ; Harding , The ' T ' and the ' Not - I ' , 38-40 ; Harding , Psychic Energy , 332-333 ; Antonio Moreno , Jung , Gods , and Modern Man ( Notre Dame , Ind .: University of Notre Dame , 1970 ) ...
The Poimandres as Myth: Scholarly Theory and Gnostic Meaning
The Poimandres Group in Corpus Hermeticum: Myth, Mysticism and Gnosis in Late Antiquity