20 Essential Actions to Educate Our Black Boys Towards Excellence and Liberation: A Practical Guide to Empower Educators Using an...

Joshua Rosenbaum


20 Essential Actions to Educate our Black Boys towards Excellence and Liberation: A Practical Guide to Empower Educators using an African-centered and Buddhist Approach is a holistic approach to education that empowers educators to move beyond both internal and external limitations and find a true means to advance the lives of black boys in America, a group who have consistently not been able to collectively reach their immense potential. 20 Essential Actions to Educate our Black Boys toward Excellence and Liberation requires educators to rethink their approach to education, and actively challenge curriculum and pedagogy that promotes white supremacy and oppression, replace it and facilitate an education that empowers black boys and all children to destroy systems of oppression and develop systems based upon justice, equity, compassion and wisdom-- systems that truly value life. From an African-centered approach, educators are challenged to glean and share profound wisdom that comes out of Africa. An African-centered approach puts African children, their past, present and future, their history and culture, at the center of teaching and learning in order to empower children, especially those of African descent and other oppressed children, to destroy oppressive systems, and create self-determinative lives and communities.From a buddhist approach, specifically Nichiren Buddhism as practiced by Soka Gakkai International, educators are empowered personally, moving beyond a limited intellectual approach to pedagogy, to a whole-being transformative approach. Nichiren Buddhism teaches that in order to truly transform our environment, that which is outside of us, we must first transform from within. Nichiren Buddhism opens up the way for teachers to engage in the profound work of inner transformation and growth, that will not only change their teaching for the better, but also their lives and all lives around them. Nichiren Buddhism teaches that every person has buddha nature, the capability to bring out of their lives, at any given moment, their inherent wisdom, compassion, perseverance, courage-their best selves.