"It started with a poem torn out of The New Yorker," says J. Barry Koops of this collection of poems. "It was the voice in the poem that snagged my attention." In the 85 poems that Koops eventually chose "sometimes I recognize the math teacher across the hall; a colleague whose passing I mourn; a professor whose fingerprints are all over my life; a student who, I recognize, will do what I cannot; a classmate remembered over decades, who said what I was thinking; a joke or a jest like an arrow." Koops predicts that "in the four sections you will hear something like threads of conversations, voices responding to one another, objecting, refuting, reflecting."Final Exam lifts a glass to memorable teachers and mentors and toasts "the schools we remember with nostalgia and regret." Koops offers this book as a tribute to teachers and professors "who chose a life of significance, a life that made a difference-the teaching life."