The 1977 book "A Pattern Language" was a landmark in the design world, introducing a methodology that has since become remarkably widespread and effective across many fields. Among them is software, where "design patterns" have since become an industry standard. Important spinoffs include peer-to-peer collaboration technologies like wiki - the basis of Wikipedia and related innovations - as well as Agile Methodology. Yet curiously, the one field where pattern methodology has lagged most conspicuously is the one where it began, the built environment. In part, the popular appeal of the 1977 book served to "freeze" the initial set of patterns, greatly slowing further peer-to-peer development in environmental design - contrary to the original authors' stated aims. As one remedy, we present here - in one of many more hoped-for future companion volumes to the original classic book - a new collection of 80 patterns for a new era of urban challenges, including rapid urbanization, slum upgrading, sustainable urbanism, [CUT: "new"] urban technologies, and new tools and strategies to meet these and other challenges. This new collection comes as a contribution to a five-year collaboration with UN-Habitat on implementation of the "New Urban Agenda," a framework document adopted by consensus by all 193 countries of the United Nations. However, there remains an urgent need to implement its humane aspirations, using tools and strategies grounded in research evidence, but also subject to revision, addition and refinement with new findings from new collaborators. This volume aims to meet that need - together with the launch of an online companion pattern "repository", available at Both initiatives were developed in collaboration with Ward Cunningham, wiki inventor, and pioneer of pattern languages of programming as well as Agile Methodology. Both are meant to expand the capacity of pattern languages in support of a hopeful new era of open-source, human-centered, life-enriching technology.