The Milk Wagon is a coming-of-age thriller about friendship, redemption, and how the ties made during high school can last a lifetime. Matt Frazier, Jason “Hop” Hopkins, and Mark Ragone have been close friends since elementary school. On the first day of their junior year of high school, a new kid named Nate Mayes arrives, and with him, a secret. Nate appears to be polished, flush with cash, and a potential lady-killer. However, they soon discover that something terrible is going on at home with Nate’s father, Dr. Ford Mayes. FBI Special Agent Kathryn Cooper believes Dr. Mayes has personally had a hand in several deaths relating to a money-laundering scandal involving compounding pharmacies, dirty physicians, and the United States Government. Her attempts to arrest him, however, are foiled by an insider working both sides. With her career—and social life—in jeopardy, Agent Cooper turns to her new chief-of-police boyfriend for help, but is he truly the cure-all she needs? When Nate stumbles upon a piece of evidence that ties his father not only to the money-laundering investigation but also to the death of his mother some fourteen years prior, he is devastated and filled with revenge. Enlisting Matt and his friends to help, Nate concocts a plan that will force them all to make unexpected and life-altering decisions. In the end, they will discover the shocking truth and finally understand the loyal bonds of family and friendship. The trusty Milk Wagon was there through it all.
And as each girl reaches her new home, she finds her new room and her new friends. Wagons Ho! is a unique look at both history and the concerns all kids have when moving to a new home.
Kerry and the milk horse set out to discover what happened and find the milkman. Suggested age range for readers: 5-8
THE STORY: NOTE: The version of the play contained in this acting edition is one which was specifically revised by the author for release to the nonprofessional theatre.
At the turn of the twentieth century, young Consuela knows the horses who travel her street by the sound of their hooves, and when she shows them all the kindness she can, she is rewarded with a ride on a very special horse.
Named most anticipated book of the year by Cosmopolitan, Women's Wear Daily, Woman's Day, She Reads, The Nerd Daily, and Sassy Sarah Reads.
Tells the story of the Graves Family Dairy, whose three horses pulled the wagons delivering milk to families in the years before trucks and shopping centers replaced them.
Nothing is ever simple for Barbara Ann, better known as Bob.
Astrid Bjorklund tries to stop the horrific epidemic that is ravaging the Red Bud Indian Reservation in South Dakota, but when the man she loves cannot accept her calling to become a doctor, she faces a difficult choice.
This book is a guide for antique milk wagon collectors.
Tony was all white,large, sturdy,with wide gentle eyesand a ton of love . . .it was early in the morning around three a.m.,but I was up, and wouldgo out and pat Tony withmy gentle arms, andhis head would bow downA touching tale of a boy and ...