When Pretty Was Ugly: Overcoming Life's Hideous Moments to Become who You Were Meant to be

When Pretty Was Ugly: Overcoming Life's Hideous Moments to Become who You Were Meant to be
Family & Relationships
Dinah Reid


Tim asked, "Why are you doing me like this? Why don't you want to see me anymore?" I made an effort to explain it to him again. He violently grabbed me and he threatened to punch me in the face. He pinned me down on the sofa, ripped my underwear off, and raped me. I laid there with my hands pinned underneath me while he was on top of me. I cried the entire time. I said, "You don't have to do this. Please get off me and leave me alone." He looked at me, pulled up his pants, and said, "I'm sorry." When Pretty was Ugly is not an ordinary read. It is riveting, gut-wrenching, and unimaginable. It is a compelling look into the author's life and how she survived the horrendous accounts of her youth. With bravery and dignity, she rose from the ashes of her past to live an extraordinary life today.First-time author Dinah Reid states, "In telling my story of the girl who never felt worthy of love because of the hurt inflicted on her, I never meant to demean or hurt anyone's character. This is what I experienced; what was done to me, and how I felt. However, there is a bigger lesson for all of us to learn and it's found in the pages of When Pretty was Ugly."

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