Returning Home: Further Journeys Into the Art of Forgiveness

Returning Home
Larry Gerbens


This book features three collections of artwork inspired by the Parable of the Prodigal Son, as told in Luke 15.The two main collections are owned by Calvin Theological Seminary and Calvin University, and Larry and Mary Gerbens; the third is a set of pieces belonging to independent collectors. The book also offers accompanying written reflections from professors, pastors, art collectors, family members and the artists themselves. Some of these texts include stories about how the art was acquired, its significance within the collection and its impact on the collectors. Other commentaries offer unique perspectives on the characters in the parable or meditations on the parable's themes, inviting readers to consider the story in new ways. The broad appeal of the Prodigal Son parable as an artistic subject is demonstrated by the variety of artwork included in these collections. From 17th century paintings to modern-day sculptures, the art expresses many interpretations of the parable-often in ways that are deeply personal to the artist. But regardless of the era in which the artwork was created or the artist's individual experiences, each piece is an expression of the universal human need for acceptance, grace and forgiveness.From the pain of losing a beloved family member to the unexpected joy of being re-united and fully restored, the Prodigal Son parable resonates with its audience and-centuries after it was first told-remains a living, relevant story. Like the wayward son, each of us longs to turn toward home and be welcomed into the warm embrace of a loving and forgiving father.

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