Signal and Ultrasonic Treatment Labo- 57 ratory Telephone : 78 94 82 26 Head : Professor R. Goutte Senior staff : Professor C. Guillaud Activities : Development of ultrasonic analysis methods and control ; numerical treatment of signals ...
Power Electronics Research Centre: Seminar on Power Electronics
Engineering Research Centres: A World Directory of Organizations and Programmes
Progress in Eco-electronics: Monographs of Tele & Radio Research Institute
209) V. JARES, TESLA— Wacuum Electronics Research Institute, Prague, Czechoslovakia (p. 473) M. JEDLI&KA, TESLA-Vacuum Electronics Research Institute, Prague, Czechoslovakia (pp. 323 & 473) S. JEFFERs, Physics Department, ...
This book investigates the past performance, current status, and future development of this industry, providing engineers with important data.
Materials Research Centres: A World Directory of Organizations and Programmes
In recent years, the hallmark public sector research program in the US has been the Advanced Technology Program (ATP). Assessing its progress so far, this book then illustrates how other public organizations should conduct evaluations.