Provides a clear and authoritative introduction to environmental science equiping the reader with the fundamental concepts and vocabulary necessary to explore complex environmental phenomena and issues. There are two main parts. The first, "The Natural Environment" reviews the major attributes of the environment in the absence of human activity. The second part of the book, "Human impact on the Natural Environment" deals with the environmental consequences of both natural resource exploitation and the production of pollutants are explored in depth. The second part closes with a discussion of the principles and practice of waste management.
This compelling story of heroism and tenacious human spirit— the first book to look at this momentous new movement—brings alive one of its most astonishing victories.
The designer was Major John Wesley Powell , a man Any number of levels of scale might emerge in the future , whom one does not usually think of as a shaper of landscapes but for the present , all we can do is group the possible or even ...
Amy Griffin Monica Mouton Sanders M.Angela Casady Jennifer Smith Burden Tom Luster See also: Adolescent Pregnancy and Prevention; Prenatal Decision Making by Adolescents; Sexual Abstinence References and Further Reading Child Trends.
We also present the Pearson r coefficient on the same two relationships , which will facilitate the comparison we will make next . In using the Pearson r statistic , these two economic trade - off questions continue to be positively ...
For more than a century the history of the American Frontier, particularly the West, has been the speciality of the Arthur H. Clark Company.
Three leading coastal geologists provide a guidebook to North Carolina beach characteristics created specifically to enhance trips to the beach for tourists and residents. Original.
... 与灵隐寺并称“西湖两大名刹”。净慈寺大雄宝殿西侧有一座济祖殿,殿内至今还供奉着济公像。相传有一年,净慈寺遭了火灾被毁,济公巧借寺里的古井从四川运来一批又粗又大的木头,使净慈寺得以重建。宋代诗人杨万里写过组诗《晓出净慈寺送林子方 ...
就在峰回路转的地方,一块块梯田星罗棋布,一方方秧苗染翠峻岭,它们下临峡谷,上接云霄,层层排列,呈现出一个人类向大自然努力谋求生存的奇观。由于山势陡峭,这些梯田面积最大的只有2500平方米,最小的仅4平方米左右。为了防止水土流失,梯田的外壁几乎全部用石 ...
Sridharan , U. C. , Reimann , B. , and Kaufman , F. , Kinetics of the reaction OH + H , O , HO , + H , O , J. Chem . ... Luther , F. M. , Chang , J. S. , Duewer , W. H. , Penner , J. E. , Tarp , R. L. , and Wuebbles , D. J. , Potential ...
This new book updates the classic by adding recent photographs to the original pairs, providing another three decades of data and showing even more clearly the extent of change across the landscape.