Each title in the Longman Applied Psychology series deals with a specific aspect of psychology in sufficient depth to meet the needs of both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as professionals in the field.
How does behavior contribute to wellness or illness? This comprehensive volume answers these questions and others with a state-of-the-art overview of theory, research, and practice at the interface of psychology and health.
Smoking status of Australian general practice patients and their attempts to quit. Addictive Behavior, 31, 758–766. Dorn, J.M., Hovey, K., Williams, B.A., Freudenheim, J.L., Russell, M., Nochajski, T.H. & Trevisan, M. (2007).
Health Psychology provides an accessible and empirically-based approach to understanding health psychology.
HIV Vaccine research: South Africa's ethical and legal framework and its ability to promote the welfare of trial ... Humor as an adjunctive therapy in cardiac rehabilitation, attenuates catecholamines & myocardial infarction ...
Health Psychology: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection introduces students to the story of health psychology through clear connections between the science and the real world.
This simple and concise introduction to the psychology of health is the perfect text for students new to the area.
21 Older Persons and Health Psychology Margaret Gatz , Cynthia Pearson , and Wendy Weicker There has been surprisingly little recognition of the natural overlap between health psychology and the psychology of the adult development and ...
The text is packed with the most up-to-date citations available, presenting topics taken straight from headline news as well as classic issues in the field.
Kuhn, T. S. 19 Leventhal, H. 130, 316, 365, 368, Luukkonen, R. 285 Kumanyika, S. 142 369, 416, 422–3 Lux, L.213–14 Kumas-Tan, Z. 82 Levinson, W. 431 Lykes, M. B. 86 Kunesh, M.A. 231 Levy, B. 485 Lyles, C. 97 Kunreuther, H. 310 Lewin, ...
Psicolog¡a de la salud