1. The Conquest and the Age of the Amirs, 711-56 -- 2. The Umayyad Amirate, 756-852 -- 3. Muhammad, al-Mundhir and 'Abd Allah: the Slide into Anarchy, 852-912 -- 4. The Golden Age of the Umayyad Caliphate, 912-76 -- 5. The 'Amirids and the Collapse of the Caliphate of Cordoba -- 6. The Taifa Kingdoms -- 7. The Empire of the Almoravids -- 8. The Second Taifas -- 9. The Early Almohad Caliphate -- 10. The Later Almohad Caliphate -- 11. The Nasrids of Granada -- Farewell to al-Andalus -- App. 1. Governors of al-Andalus and Taifa Kings -- App. 2. Family Trees of the Ruling Dynasties of al-Andalus.
This is the first study in English of the political history of Muslim Spain and Portugal, based on Arab sources.
This volume is the first ever in any language to deal in a really comprehensive manner with all major aspects of Islamic civilisation in medieval Spain.
Two Portuguese exiles in Castile: Dom David Negro and Dom Isaac Abravanel, Jerusalem, 1997. ——. Os baptizados em pé, Lisbon, 1998. ——. “Os arquivos nacionais da Torre do Tombo em Lisboa e historiagrafia judaica”, Em Nome da Fé, ...
Includes maps, an extensive introduction and notes and commentary by the translator, Islamic Spain is the first English language translation of the important history of Islamic Spain by Ibn al-Qutiyyah, one of the earliest and significant ...
The book includes a brief history of the powerful empires and caliphates that ruled the Iberian Peninsula from Damascus, Cordoba, and Marrakesh, along with a summary of the influence that those rich and sophisticated societies had on the ...
English and Spanish apart, Portuguese is more widely spoken than any other European tongue. This historical guide draws on personal experiences ranging from a residence of three years to regular visits since 1936.
"e;This introduction to Muslim Spain covers the period from 711 to1502, giving readers a substantial overview of what it was that made it a unique and successful society, and of its powerful legacy in the formation of modern Spain.
The articles collected in this volume explore the causes and the nature of this expansion, from a variety of historical traditions.
Hobsbawm, Eric. “Introduction: Inventing Traditions.” In The Invention of Tradition, edited by Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger, 1–14. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Hobsbawm, Eric, and Terence Ranger, eds.
In this colorfully illustrated book, Rose Walker surveys Spanish and Portuguese art and architecture from the time of the Roman conquest to the early twelfth century.