The Longman Pocket Activator is a convenient version of the Longman Language Activator®. This dictionary expands students¿ vocabulary and improves their ability to express themselves fluently. The Longman Pocket Activator groups similar word- and phrase- meanings together, and highlights key differences in definitions and usage. There are helpful labels, corpus-based example sentences, and grammar pointers within definitions to guide students in selecting the right word for the right circumstances. Features: • Easy-to-use vocabulary finder • Accessible key words and basic ideas guide vocabulary exploration • Thousands of examples showing real usage and natural communication • Spoken communication tips for everyday situations
Longman Pocket Activator
Longman Pocket Activator
Using definitions from the 2000 word Longman Defining Vocabulary, this activator offers many example sentences showing how words are used, taking many of them from authentic texts and conversations. It...
This book is a unique dictionary for intermediate level students who want to expand their vocabulary and improve their writing skills.
The Longman Language Activator takes you from a key word or basic idea, like good, and shows you more precise words or phrases with information on register, context and grammar structures.
Longman Pocket English Dictionary
Longman Pocket English Dictionary
Longman Pocket English Dictionary
Check out phrasal verbs with the Longman Pocket Phrasal Verbs Dictionary .
The Longman Pocket English Dictionary is an ideal dictionary for intermediate students of English on the go.