Provides a wealth of alternative expressions to help you find, discover, or identify the exact word you are looking for. Includes more than one million synonyms - an average of 60 alternatives for every headword and an unparalleled coverage of idioms, phrases, and informal and formal expressions.
Longman Synonym Dictionary
Increase your vocabulary - from 2,000 key words to 12,000 synonyms More than 12,000 words, including academic and topic words More than 17,000 examples sentences explain words in context Clear definitions written using only 2000 common ...
Different from a dictionary, the lexicon brings together words with related meanings and lists them in sets, instead of listing words in alphabetical order. These sets of words are organized...
The Longman Language Activator takes students from a key word or basic idea, like 'good', and shows more precise words or phrases with information on register, context and grammar structures.
Longman Active study Dictionary, is perfect for students making the move from bilingual to monolingual dictionaries.
Longman Active Study Dictionary of English
Helps students reach intermediate level faster. 138,000 Words, Phrases & Meanings With the WordWise Dictionary, differences between words with similar or confusing meanings are simple to understand and common mistakes...
Longman Active Study Dictionary
A full picture of English as used in 2001, this comprehensive guide to written and spoken English has been updated with a new words section and colour headwords.
Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English.: Rund 15.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen.