This book covers the main practical elements of doing business with the Japanese.
With a glossary of terms and practical real-life experiences, this is an essential guide for anyone who wants to forge deeper business relationships with Japanese.
Ignore the important cultural differences highlighted in this book at your own business risk if you are working in or plan to enter the Japanese market. The case studies the author includes underscores the wisdom shared throughout the book.
This book covers the main practical elements of doing business with the Japanese.
Passport Japan: Your Pocket Guide to Japanese Business, Customs & Etiquette
A Guide to Doing Business in Japan
This book was coauthored by a team of distinguished Japanese and American lawyers. The Business Guide to Japan provides an accurate, real-life guide to how business is organised and...
Business Travel Guide to Japan
Business Guide to Japan
The glossary at the back of the book has been revised to include the latest technology-related words and expressions used by Japanese today.