GBS_insertPreviewButtonPopup('ISBN:9780748612475);An exciting new textbook introduction to contemporary sexual politics.This book offers an exploration of the theoretical approaches to the study of gender and sexuality, and a critical ...
Ottawa Law Review 13 : 1-22 Anderson , Karen 1987 " Historical Perspectives on the Family " : 21–39 in K. Anderson et al . , eds . , Family Matters . Toronto : Methuen Anderson , Karen , H. Armstrong , P. Armstrong , J. Drakich ...
This clearly written book introduces readers to both the discipline of sociology and to the specific area of gender roles at the same time.
Second , the supply or “ pool ” of women candidates for positions is relatively inferior in quality as well as in numbers to the pool of male candidates ; this argued ... 3Helen S. Astin and Alan E. Bayer , “ Sex Myths about Women 371.
Marshall , Lorna ( 1961 ) ' Sharing , Talking and Giving ' . In Africa , 32 , 231-52 . Martin , Susan ( 1988 ) Palm Oil and Protest : An Economic History of the Ngwa Region , South - Eastern Nigeria , 1800-1980 .
Latin American Women's History: The National Period
Male and Female: Choosing Your Role in Modern Society
Ancey , G. 1983. Monnaie et structures d'exploitations en Pays Mossi ... Austin , G. 1993. Human pawning in Asante , 1800-1950 : Markets and coercion ... Bassett , T. J. , and D. Crummey . 1993. Land in African agrarian systems .
" With "Eve's Seed," McElvaine offers unsettling insights into many of our most time-honored notions of ourselves and the "natural order," This book will compel everyone who reads it to view the world in a radically new light.
Male and Female: Choosing Your Role in Modern Society