Our world is covered with many different species of plant life, each one special in its own way. A fascinating introduction to the behavior, habitats and way of life of many of the plant varieties found in our world and what part they play in our lives.
Buffalo: , Smith & Lee 7687 (Neb). Cherry: Fort Niobrara, J. M. Bates (Neb). Custer: Callaway, Bates (H). ... Arapahoe: Cherry Creek, G. Smith (Ph). Boulder: Boulder, Penard 352 (Y). Denver: Denver, J. Wolf 312 (Fm.U).
Caribbean Spice Island Plants: Trees, Shrubs and Climbers of Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique : a Picture Gallery with Notes...
Flora Capensis: Being a Systematic Description of the Plants of the Cape Colony, Caffraria, & Port Natal (and Neighbouring Territories)
Mangroves to Mallee: The Complete Guide to the Vegetation of Temperate South Australia
Polemonium L. 197 caeruleum L. 197 subsp . caucasicum ( Busch ) Avetisian 197 subsp . vulgare Brand 197 caucasicum Busch ... G.Don 452 * Phyteuma L. 66 , 69 amplexicaulis Willd . ... 118 bornmuelleri Strauss ex Pax 121 columnae Ten .
Introduces the physical characteristics and uses of a variety of plants found in the pacific region, including the coconut palm, pawpaw and breadfruit tree. Includes notes for teachers. Suggested level: primary.
This book focuses students on the function of plants and the role they play in our world.
This guide also uses narratives and keys with side-by-side color photographs to help users identify similar-looking species"--page four of cover.
The Abridged Comparative Plant Ecology
Death Knell for Bluebells? Global Warming and British Plants