King Midas enjoyed turning everything he touched to gold until he discovered that gold food was hard to eat and gold daughters cold to hug.
King Midas is a proud and foolish king who loves gold above all else. In return for helping him one day, a satyr grants the king his dearest wish --...
King Midas enjoyed turning everything he touched to gold until he discovered that gold food was hard to eat and gold daughters cold to hug.
Designed to be used by children in their first six months of school PM Starters One and Two
In this retelling of the Greek Myth, King Midas loves gold more than anything else in the whole world! Or at least, he thinks he loves gold the most....
Long ago, a powerful king named Midas lived in a place called Phyrgia.
It has been relayed through words and read in different books. This is not another version of the story of King Midas. Rather, this is the truth of its origin. Are your curious to know what we mean? Then open the book today!
A king who wishes for the golden touch is faced with its unfortunate consequences.
King Midas and the Golden Touch: A Greek Myth
An all time famous classic story book for kids. Beautiful illustrations and easy to read text is ideal for young early learners.