Presents a variety of math games, using paper-and-pencil, cubes, cards and egg cartons.
PRAISE FOR MEGA-FUN MATH GAMES AND PUZZLES FOR THE ELEMENTARY GRADES "Finally a fantastic collection of timeless math games and puzzles that can be used in a differentiated class, a math center, or even a math enrichment program." —SUSAN ...
Provides activities to help students meet math standards, covering such topics as addition, multiplication, fractions, and decimals.
Explore fractions in a variety of meaningful ways!
Imagine being able to pull out a fun and engaging game to practice whatever math skill you're working on. Math in the Cards will equip you with activities to excite your students and make learning fun. All you need is a deck of cards!
This 2nd edition guided math resource provides practical guidance and sample lessons for grade level bands K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
Irresistible learning games target the math skills students in grades 2-3 need to know--addition, subtraction, time, money, place value, and more.
... 2 , 3 by Shirley Hughes Mice Twice by Joseph Low Noah's Ark Song by June Epstein Number Families by Jane Srivastava One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor J. Pinczes Sea Squares by Joy N. Hulme Shoes in Twos by Rosemary Irons and Calvin ...
40 Fabulous Math Mysteries Kids Can't Resist 8 by Martin Lee S c H o L A S TIC PROFESSIONAL BOOKS New York · Toronto . London · Auckland • London · Auckland • Sydney Mexico City • New Delhi • Hong Kong • Buenos Aires Dedication To Clark ...
Mastering a math game can be hard work. But kids do it willingly because it’s fun. Math You Can Play Combo features two books in one, with 42 kid-tested games that offer a variety of challenges for preschool and school-age learners.
Solving these math puzzle minis is so much fun, kids may not notice they're building important problem-solving skills. Each mini-book contains magic number puzzles, interactive story problems, penny tricks, and tracing challenges.