Cosmic Dawn describes a highly interdisciplinary tour of billions of years of cosmic history, an epochal saga drawing on every field of modern science — astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, geology and anthropology — to address the two most fundamental problems of all: the origins of matter and life. Winner of the Phi Beta Kappa Award, the American Institute of Physics Award, and a National Book Award Nomination.
Astronomy and Planetary Science
Imagine a plastic beach ball covered with small dots — the dots are Quasars . The Center of this beach ball is the location where the Big Bang took place . ( :) As described within this book , both the Big Bang and the family of GRB ...
El amanecer cósmico
本书介绍了宇宙进化的七个历史时代,即从没有固定形状的射线时代到人类文明的起源时代,在这个过程中,他把宇宙中最微观与最宏观的方面展示出来,也包括它们之间复杂微妙的关系 ...
of the Information Age , 140 Columbus , Christopher , 103 comets , 46 , 143-144 , 147 ; Encke , 149 ; Hale - Bopp , 155 ; long period , 150 ; Wild II , 46 ( also see NEOs ) Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal , 188 Committee on Science and Astronautics , x complexity , 7 , 44-45 , 89-90 computers , 160-161 ...
Shows how Jason's house is a part of the larger components that go together to make up the universe.
A gateway to another world has been invented and Hannah is about to go through, whether she wants to or not thanks to a determined alien male who wants her.