If only one child were missing and he was yours, the number would be too high. Designed for elementary school children, this photographically illustrated, ten-story guide demonstrates what to expect, how to spot trouble, and how to react quickly without sermonizing. Children learn to discriminate between well-meaning strangers and those who are not. “The sad news is that children do have to learn and the good news is that this book exists to teach them and their parents” commends Family Circle magazine.
Harriet Wilson. Chapter. Seventeen. Never say yes to a stranger The sound of the train getting up steam brought them all to life in the waiting room. 'Everyone aboard,' called out the steward. Frinkle stood up ... Never say yes to a stranger.
Explains how to deal with strangers in public places, on the telephone, and in cars, emphasizing situations in which the best thing to do is run away or talk to another adult.
With this guide, the therapy you give will provide information and insight, stimulate discussion, communicate new values and attitudes, create awareness that others have similar problems, and provide solutions to problems.
... Rosalie SHDPP Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program SHEG Scottish Health Education Group SHEINGARTEN , S. Sheingarten , Sheva SHEPHERD , M. Shepherd , Mildred SHER Sher Films SHERWOOD , F. Sherwood , F.D. SHIELDS , E. Shields ...
Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Nelson Books, an imprint of Thomas Nelson. Nelson Books and Thomas Nelson are registered trademarks of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. Author is represented by Esther Fedorkevich, ...
Hug Therapy shares a full-on, unconditional hug from Dr. Stone Kraushaar. In this book, he invites you to wrap your arms around yourself, your life, and everyone around you in a whole new way.
McDaniel, S. H., Hepworth, J., and Doherty, W. J. (1992). Medical family therapy: A biopsychosocial approach to families with health problems. New York: Basic Books. McDaniel, S. H., Hepworth, J., and Doherty, W. J. (1993).
Over the past 25 years, as I have worked with parents and teachers, I have found that they too share my concern. That's why I chose this excerpt from my book, The Loving Parents' Guide to Discipline, to include as a Parent School lesson ...
... say “NO! Why?” They say “Good, because you should never say yes to a stranger.” I.
Finally the exclusive book for pastors and pastors' wives is here! This book does not apply to you if you are not a pastor or a pastor's wife! If you qualify to read this book, let God minister to you in this thought provoking book.