The average American carries more than $8,000 in credit card debt. If you live paycheck to paycheck, spend more than you make, are behind on your credit card payments, and suffer from too much financial stress, you're not alone. And you're not doomed. Trash Your Debt will show you how to create a better and more secure financial future for you and your family. Author Arnold Fredrick knows what it's like to struggle with money problems and feel overwhelmed by debt. He also knows you can successfully free yourself from the burden of debt just like he has. In this motivating, step-by-step guide, he shares his proven methods, tips, and tricks for: Eliminating debt Managing credit card spending Slashing unnecessary expenses Sticking to a tight budget Paying yourself before the bills Trading up your job Procrastinating when it comes to spending money Fredrick offers insights, reassuring guidance, and methodical processes for whittling down debt, setting realistic goals, and committing to a solid saving plan. Hands-on worksheets help you determine your current financial status, design a monthly budget, and compare credit card interest rates and balances. If you're feeling panicky about your financial future, let Trash Your Debt stop you from spending more than you make and teach you how to save more than you take.
本书围绕美国不断飙升的国债和财政赤字展开,分析了四大赤字:预算赤字、储蓄赤字、贸易赤字和领导赤字,结合对沃伦·巴菲特、艾伦·格林斯潘、保罗·沃尔克等顶级大师的访谈 ...
In eight sessions, this book explores why we get into debt, why we find it hard to live biblically regarding borrowing, and how we can get on the right track.
Each study (76+ pages) contains biblical lessons that prepare readers to understand God's perspective on the given subject. Perfect for individual or small group studies.
Morgan Stanley Capital International , Inc. ( MSCI ) manages this index . Morgan Stanley ( majority shareholder ) and The Capital Group Companies , Inc. own MSCI . According to Morgan Stanley , the U.S. stock market is about 58 % of the ...
Payback urges us to reconsider our ideas of ownership and debt - before it is too late.
Economic history states that money replaced a bartering system, yet there isn't any evidence to support this axiom. Anthropologist Graeber presents a stunning reversal of this conventional wisdom.
Poor Britain. London: Allen and Unwin. Maitre, B., Nolan, B., and Whelan, C., 2006. Reconfiguring the Measurement of Deprivation and Consistent Poverty in Ireland. Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute. Mannion, R., 1992.
In this book you'll learn how to use No-Spend Challenges to reach your financial goals faster and transform your spending habits to finally be able to stick to a budget.
Warwickshire, 1875.