It's no surprise that a record number of Americans are declaring bankruptcy while consumer debt and foreclosures are at an all time high. Many adults simply don't have the basic financial knowledge to safely navigate today's environment of predatory lending, identity theft, and nonstop consumer marketing. What's more, they don't know how to leverage to their advantage the valuable financial tools they do have. The Teen's Guide to Personal Finance teaches young adults important lessons in personal finance that they likely aren't learning at home or in school. Armed with this information, they will be better prepared to achieve their financial goals while avoiding common pitfalls.
In this completely revised edition, young people learn how to get and manage credit, how to make and stick to a budget, how to pay for college, how to determine needs versus wants, how to pay for a car, how to open a bank account, how to ...
Seems as if everywhere you look, there are places to spend your money.
With over 100 bite-size chapters and exercises, this book discusses everything we could think of: - Budgeting - Investing with index funds, which beat 99% of everything else that's out there (if you're looking at 15+ year time frame) - ...
Have you been struggling with keeping track of your spendings? There's a fun way to it, and you will learn it in this book. This book will show you common mistakes you have been making about money and how they prevent you from being rich.
This is not some radical crazy problem in your life that can't be solved - It certainly can. If you want to learn more about money management and truly live the life you've always dreamed of, then you need this book today.
As teenagers who once lacked exposure to financial education themselves, Avaniko Asokkumar, Sai Bommineni, and Rohit Chakka hope to reverse this trend through writing this guide.
A guide answering important questions about personal finance for teens.
This book is a great reference tool for any library and a great graduation present for recent or soon-to-be grads. "Personal Finance for Teens" is the book that every teen needs to read before leaving home.
Shares strategies for accumulating real-world wealth while staying independently employed, distilling lessons from a variety of sources effectively used by the authors during the recent financial crisis.
The Fool shows you how to: · Question authority when it comes to managing your money · Save cash (for investing, for college...and, yes, even for having fun!) · Dodge the spending and saving pitfalls that trap so many adults · Get ...