Adam Was Trapped Eve Was Framed: Five Steps to Relationship Freedom

Adam Was Trapped Eve Was Framed: Five Steps to Relationship Freedom
Lita Rawdin Singer


"'LIFE IS IN SESSION...ARE YOU PRESENT?" Finally a book that will not challenge the stories of religion, but rather help you understand and deal with the impact that "spiritual abuse " has had on relationships. At last, here is a practical book for helping women and men address their problems by getting at the root causes--prehistoric events that led to male insecurity and the subordination of women, transmitted to us over the ages by religious views of a male God and inferior, submissive women. What Dr. Singer terms "spiritual abuse" is a major contributor to the problem between the sexes, and she provides a guide to help couples to escape from it. --Robert S. McElvaine Author, Eve's Seed: Biology, the Sexes and the Course of History Chair, Department of History, Millsaps College, Jackson, Ms. What a clever and brilliant title ADAM WAS TRAPPED EVE WAS FRAMED and the substance of the book easily compliments the title. It is as good, or better than any book I have read on the quest for personal freedom. Part One, alone, on being "Awake" is worth the price of the book. Life is in session...are you present?" This book, in a beautiful and profound way, tells you how you can become "present" on your personal road to freedom. --William Edelen Former Minister the First Congregational Church in Tacoma, Washington Lecturer for the Department of Religion at the University of Puget Sound Columnist, Writer and Lecturer Follow Adam and Eve in their therapy with Dr. Lita after he tells about his affair and he wants to leave the marriage, and watch what happens! --- This is a book about Change. Your Change ---Follow the five steps AWAKE, NOTICE, CATCH, INTERRUPT AND CHANGE, and you will have the keys to Partnership, Balance and Freedom ---It is not what happens in your life, but how you deal with it that matters ---To find love, inner peace, is an inside job and starts with the journey within.

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