In mid-1970's, Jon escapes from Ceausescu's dictatorship in Romania and settles in New York City. Faced with an extremely dynamic and pragmatic environment, and enjoying liberties he had not known before, Jon decides he must earn an American university degree to both enhance his knowledge and have a better chance in a highly competitive job market. He pays for his studies by taking odd jobs, where he meets people and learns the ropes of earning, American-style, one's living. However, the integration process is an arduous task. At times, Jon's enthusiasm crosses moments of disillusion, duplicity, and letdown. Luckily, his campus experience helps him overcome real or imaginary obstacles, bringing him in tune with local custom. Very much like in a bildungsroman narrative, Jon's "American" story is one of reshaping a personality into a more complex human being. His efforts are duly rewarded with finding true love and a reason to be happy thereafter. The biblical prediction-that he would find again the bread he had cast away-is thus fulfilled.
Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters: A History of Jamestown in Rhyme
Shining. in. a. Dark. Place. we have the Word of the Prophets made more certain, and you o Pay Attention To It, as to a light Shining in a Dark Place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, 2Peter1:19 NIV ...
Faith: Taking God at His Word
But just as important are the tips and inspirational words from Sister sprinkled throughtout the book. What a wonderful gift to the world this book is -- and what a treasure for each of us, her readers.