Explains how to configure Windows XP for maximum control and flexibility, work effectively with the Registry, take advantage of the built-in firewall, and troubleshoot problems.
Provides information on fixing a variety of annoyances found in Windows XP, covering such topics as the Windows interface, Windows Explorer, multimedia, email, security, networking, setup, and hardware.
Explains how to configure Windows XP for maximum control and flexibility, work effectively with the Registry, take advantage of the built-in firewall, and troubleshoot problems.
This book is for power users and system administrators who want to clear away barriers to using Linux for themselves and for less-trained users in their organizations.
Discusses how to install, run, and configure Windows XP for both the home and office, explaining how to connect to the Internet, design a LAN, and share drives and printers, and includes tips and troubleshooting techniques.
But thanks to Fixing Windows XP Annoyances, you can banish the bugs, speed up operations, and just make Windows work right.
Symptoms include rising blood pressure, verbal outbursts, and an overpowering urge to pitch your PC off the roof. Geeks On Call has the remedy, and this book is the prescription.
Wake up your DSL, tame your notebook, back up your network, stop cable clutter. Packed with over 150 new tips and featuring over 150 utility downloads, PC Annoyances is your one-stop shop for curing PC pain.
In an ideal world, an operating system would do its work in the background while you did your work in the foreground.In our world, however, operating systems constantly get in the way, and Windows XP is no exception.Windows XP contains ...
Back Up and Restore Outlook and Outlook Express Datafiles Table 6-3. Outlook files and their extensions (continued) Nicknames for AutoResolution .nick Type of file Extension Nicknames for AutoComplete (Outlook 2002) .nk2 Customized ...
Fax Cover Page Editor • To send a fax on the fly , place a shortcut to the Fax icon in your Printers and Faxes folder in your Send To menu . Then right - click any file and select Send To + Fax to quickly fax the document .