In this fascinating book, William Nester examines how the Founders’ experience in revolution and nation-building caused them to understand leadership as an art--one that ultimately became the distinctive art of American power.
During the Revolutionary era, newspapers were the most important source of information on public affairs. The number of public prints of New England grew during these years, rising from fifteen...
Lessons designed to help students learn about the history of the United States from the American Revolution through the Constitutional Convention and the writing of the Constitution.
The war of the American Revolution: narrative, chronology, and bibliography
An Inventory of Maryland State Papers: The Era of the American Revolution 1775-1789
The Creation of the Presidency, 1775-1789: A Study in Constitutional History
This classic study — one of the most influential in the area of American economic history — questioned the founding fathers' motivations and prompted new perceptions of the supreme law of the land.
( Boston , 1883 ) ; Hugh T. Lefler and Albert R. Newsome , North Carolina ; The History of a Southern State ... 24-51 ; Allan Nevins , The American States during and after the Revolution , 1775-1789 ( New York , 1924 ) , a storehouse of ...
For the Revolutionary war as a transforming economic experience , see Jackson Turner Main , The Sovereign States in ... The American States During and After the Revolution , 1775-1789 ( New York , 1924 ) ; Gary M. Walton and James F.
Daniel writes in the critical tradition first systematically established by Henry George in the 18705, to produce an ... 1977 Stewart, Gordon T., The American Response to Canada since 1776, East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, ...