貝思‧穆爾 (Beth Moore ). 獻給摯愛的好友 Mary Ann 沒有人比你更推崇把神的話語融入禱告所帶來的力量。你對我至愛至親,實非言語能夠表達。我愛你貝思 小麥子序◊「每天查考神的話,又相信神話語功效的基督徒,他們的靈命最健康。」這是作者在本書8月17日的 ...
I have embodied in The Way to God and How to Find It a considerable part of several addresses which have been delivered in different cities, both of Great Britain...
'God is our home but many of us have strayed from our native land. The venerable authors of these Spiritual Classics are expert guides--may we follow their directions home.'--Archbishop Desmond...
THE DAYS OF HEAVEN The days of heaven are peaceful days, Still as yon glassy sea; So calm, so still in God, our days, As the days of heaven would...
A Time for Compassion: A Call to Cherish and Protect Life
God at Eventide
IVP Readers' Choice Award Paul's letter to the Romans has for two thousand years been a touchstone for all who want to understand the power of the gospel...
The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus' most inspiring and challenging description of the Christian counterculture. John Stott's teaching on this timeless text shows how its value system, ethical standard,...
"It is abundantly evident that there is widespread and sincere interest in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, with the accompanying manifestation of tongues, in the world today. It is...