Recounts the story of Hannah Goslar, a close friend of Anne Frank and one of the last to see her alive.
Recounts the story of Hannah Goslar, a close friend of Anne Frank and one of the last to see her alive.
Recounts the story of Hannah Goslar, a close friend of Anne Frank and one of the last to see her alive.
Recounts the story of Hannah Goslar, a close friend of Anne Frank and one of the last to see her alive.
This is the story of two young girls, just like many other young girls, giggling in class, gossiping about boys and whispering secrets.
In 1941, Theo Coster was a student at the Amsterdam Jewish Lyceum, 1 in a class of 28 Jewish children that the Nazis had segregated from the rest of the Dutch population.
Jacqueline van Maarsen's father was Dutch, her mother French; he was Jewish, she a Catholic. In 1938, after unremitting effort, he succeeded in registering his wife with the Jewish Council...
As a resident of Amsterdam who was lucky enough to be deported and not sent to concentration camps like other families, Jopie, a close friend of Anne Frank, provides stories of their friendship while recollecting what life was like during ...
Alison Leslie Gold is best known for her works that have kept alive stories from the time of the Holocaust, stories of courage and survival - most famously her Anne Frank Remembered, co-authored with Miep Gies (who risked her life to ...
THE DEFINITIVE EDITION • Discovered in the attic in which she spent the last years of her life, Anne Frank’s remarkable diary has since become a world classic—a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and an eloquent testament to the ...
""This volume of essays was developed from ... a colloquium convened in 2005 by the Working Group on Jews, Media, and Religion of the Center for Religion and Media at New York University""--Intr.