U.S. Geological Survey Water-supply Paper
McDonald , M.G. , and Harbaugh , A.W. , 1988 , A modular threedimensional finite - difference ground - water flow model : U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water - Resources Investigations , book 6 , chap . A1 , 586 p .
Frank, F. J., Groundwater in the Corvallis-Albany area, central Willamette Valley, Oregon, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper ... Gannett, M. W. and Caldwell, R. R., Geologic framework of the Willamette Uowland, aquifer system.
Comparison of Chlorofluorocarbon Age-dating with Particle-tracking Results of a Regional Ground-water Flow Model of the Portland Basin, Oregon and Washington
System and Boundary Conceptualization in Ground-water Flow Simulation
Estimating Areas Contributing Recharge to Wells: Lessons from Previous Studies