Solomon, B.J., and Black, B.D., 1995, Geologic hazards and land-use planning for Tooele Valley and the West Desert Hazardous Industry Area, Tooele County, Utah: UGS OFR 318, 134 p., 56 plates, scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey ...
A beautifully designed and easy to understand publication discussing the geologic history of the Wasatch Fault and possible dangers it poses to anyone living nearby. This is a perfect introduction to the fault for anyone of all ages.
Biek, R.F., 1991, Provisional geologic map of the Nephi quadrangle, Juab County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Map 137, ... Ground-water resources of the Sevier River Basin between Yuba Dam and Leamington Canyon, Utah: U.S. Geological ...
Therefore, summaries of late Quaternary climatic and lacustral conditions (for example, Madsen and Currey, 1979; Currey and James, 1982; Murchison, 1989; Rhode and Madsen, 1995) provide a useful context within which to reconstruct ...
Lake Bonneville was the last and probably the largest of these lakes. By 11,000 yr BP, Lake Bonneville had receded to approximately the size of the present Great Salt Lake.
Quaternary geologic maps of Tooele Valley and the West Desert Hazardous Industry Area, Tooele County, Utah. Utah Geol. Surv. Open-File Rep., 296, ... Quaternary geology and geologic hazards of Tooele and northern Rush Valleys, Utah.
This publication presents probabilistic earthquake forecasts developed by the Working Group on Utah Earthquake Probabilities which developed 30,50, and 100 year forecasts that include combined time dependent probabilities of large ...