In July 1997, twenty-five of America's most influential journalists sat down to try and discover what had happened to their profession in the years between Watergate and Whitewater. What they knew was that the public no longer trusted the press as it once had. They were keenly aware of the pressures that advertisers and new technologies were putting on newsrooms around the country. But, more than anything, they were aware that readers, listeners, and viewers — the people who use the news — were turning away from it in droves. There were many reasons for the public's growing lack of trust. On television, there were the ads that looked like news shows and programs that presented gossip and press releases as if they were news. There were the "docudramas," television movies that were an uneasy blend of fact and fiction and which purported to show viewers how events had "really" happened. At newspapers and magazines, celebrity was replacing news, newsroom budgets were being slashed, and editors were pushing journalists for more "edge" and "attitude" in place of reporting. And, on the radio, powerful talk personalities led their listeners from sensation to sensation, from fact to fantasy, while deriding traditional journalism. Fact was blending with fiction, news with entertainment, journalism with rumor. Calling themselves the Committee of Concerned Journalists, the twenty-five determined to find how the news had found itself in this state. Drawn from the committee's years of intensive research, dozens of surveys of readers, listeners, viewers, editors, and journalists, and more than one hundred intensive interviews with journalists and editors, The Elements of Journalism is the first book ever to spell out — both for those who create and those who consume the news — the principles and responsibilities of journalism. Written by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, two of the nation's preeminent press critics, this is one of the most provocative books about the role of information in society in more than a generation and one of the most important ever written about news. By offering in turn each of the principles that should govern reporting, Kovach and Rosenstiel show how some of the most common conceptions about the press, such as neutrality, fairness, and balance, are actually modern misconceptions. They also spell out how the news should be gathered, written, and reported even as they demonstrate why the First Amendment is on the brink of becoming a commercial right rather than something any American citizen can enjoy. The Elements of Journalism is already igniting a national dialogue on issues vital to us all. This book will be the starting point for discussions by journalists and members of the public about the nature of journalism and the access that we all enjoy to information for years to come.
March 9 , 2017 , -news - experiments -. 10 . 11 . 12 . CHAPTER 1 : WHAT IS JOURNALISM FOR ? 1 . Anna Semborska , interview by Dante Chinni , January 2000 . 2 .
Jon Katz, interview by William Damon, Howard Gardner, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, ibid. 8. Tom Brokaw, interview by William Damon, Howard Gardner, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, ibid. 9. CCJ and thePewResearch Center for the People & the ...
When he began doing media criticism , writer Jon Katz sensed this about being a journalist and even more so about being a critic of journalists . Katz felt compelled to sit down and write his own personal code of ethics .
Two journalists provide a guide for navigating through the Internet Age's viral and opinion-based news sources, explaining how to discern what sources or facts are reliable and how to think like a journalist and unearth the truth.
What are the tools needed to be able to execute multimedia journalism, effectively? This book guides the reader as to how to create innovative multimedia reports and presentations.
If Fry«s gold coins play the role of the morsels of bread dropped by Hansel and Gretel to mark the path they were taking, their meaning extends beyond that. They not only show the way, they illuminate and enhance it, help the reader ...
Featuring a new code of ethics for journalists and essays by 14 journalism thought leaders and practitioners, this authoritative, practical book examines the new pressures brought to bear on journalism by technology and changing audience ...
Designed to engage, inspire and challenge students while laying out the fundamentals of the craft, Principles of American Journalism introduces readers to the core values of journalism and its singular role in a democracy.
This guide provides the best strategies, creative ideas, and inside tips for maximizing the selling, buying, and bartering potential on the Craigslist. ? Maximizes opportunities for the over 500 Craigslist sites worldwide ?
With comprehensive coverage from history to how-to, and discussions of new media, online journalism, blogging, and social networking, this text covers news writing from a 360 degree view.