A startling debut from a talented new young writer, WHEN THE ELEPHANTS DANCE is a riveting epic about a family and their neighbors who band together to survive the brutal Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II, as the Americans fight to gain control of the war-ravaged island. Based on the experiences of her father, who was a young boy in the Philippines during World War II, Holthe's story begins during the final week of the ferocious Japanese-American battle for possession of the Philippines. Here, we listen to three distinct narrators who reveal the struggle to survive in a small community outside Manila, where the streets are littered with dead bodies and the threat of capture by Japanese soldiers is around every corner. First, thirteen-year-old Alejandro Karangalan and his younger brother leave the safety of the basement where his family and others are hiding to go look for food for their family and medicine for their ailing father. They are caught by Japanese militants and wrongly accused of murder. Meanwhile, Alejandro's older sister, Isabelle, has been missing for days. As the family fears for her safety, Isabelle is met with the choice of avoiding a Japanese patrol or helping an injured guerrilla commander, whom she believes is responsible for the brutal Japanese counterattacks on their people. Her decisions lead her through a maelstrom of events that leave her stripped of her soul. At the same time, Domingo Matapang, the passionate guerilla commander, is torn between his pivotal role of helping his troops defeat the enemy, or protecting the lives of his wife and child. Will he follow the path of a warrior and a future with his soulmate, Chita, a feisty double agent, or the path of a provider for his wife Lorna and his beloved sons? As the war rages outside, five tales of hope and superstition unfold in the cellar. The stories, which are fueled by the myths and superstitions that were told with reverence in Holthe's Filipino household, help the civilians endure the atrocities and find hope in the midst of chaos.
本书是福尔摩斯探案集的最新作品。福尔摩斯是柯南道尔创作的一位家喻户晓的人物。柯南道尔去世后,其产权会负责管理福尔摩斯系列作品的版权,本书是唯一获得柯南道尔产权会 ...
Traditional Chinese edition of The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling. In Traditional Chinese. Annotation copyright Tsai Fong Books, Inc. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
“首周五活动是什么?”我问。“每个月的第一个礼拜五,商店都不营业,而是举办街区派对。商店啊、餐馆啊都会举行特别的活动,还有现场音乐。你也来吧!可好玩了。” “他们把整条街都封了?我妈妈肯定讨厌这样。” “这么说你会来了。”亨利道。“我绝对不会错过的。
她和她父親總是在十一點左右出現,他們的時間算得很準:搭九點四十五分的公車抵達、去市集採買、到咖啡館喝一杯、搭十一點四十分的公車離開。每週四,克勞德都很享受那美好的二十分鐘,他心想,這媲美夫妻好幾年的幸福生活。更何況戰後期間,人們每天醒來, ...
其他人進來,他聽見他們和圖書館員講話。她的聲音現在比較正常了。亞瑟一直認為他應該離開,卻坐著沒動。他喜歡毫無裝飾的高大窗戶讓春季暮光透進來的樣子,也喜歡圖書館房間的莊嚴與秩序。他想到成人們來來去去,終其一生周復一周讀書、從這本讀到下一本, ...
我噗啸一笑 o 「好了啦,如果妳不介意,那我獨處]下嘍 o 我得想想占卜石這東西 o 待會兒就去馬廄找妳 o 如果看見史塔克,告訴他,我沒辜,很快就過去 o 」「好的,沒問題。」史蒂薇 _ 蕾說。我看著她俩三涸雕去,聪目儿克拉米夏周夏琳她自己的颜色。
異樣不是變態,嗜血不是變壞 歡迎來到吸血鬼養成學校 最神祕、浪漫的課程正在等你。 美國今日報、華爾街日報等排行榜暢銷百萬小說 盤據紐約時報暢銷排行榜逾80週 ...
一場追尋愛與自我、重新體味人生的療癒之旅 紅髮法國女子玫瑰從未見過父親,她鬱鬱寡歡的母親偶爾會提及她父親的事,她的外婆則是絕口不提。對她而言,父親不過是母親捏造 ...
當初沒走的那條路,是否才是你真正的人生? 2020年歐巴馬最愛小說之一! 《紐約時報》《時代》雜誌年度10大好書 美國上市半年熱銷破百萬冊 高踞《紐約時報》暢銷榜逾36週 ...
柯南.道爾、克拉克.A.史密斯、江戶川亂步、史蒂芬.金的啟蒙者 ──偵探推理小說之父愛倫.坡最完整譯本 ...