In a fast paced technological world, global and multicultural issues are in the forefront of every day life. Children need to develop a more global understanding, acceptance and knowledge of themselves and others. This project explores the use of children's literature to develop the concepts of culture, cultural awareness, cultural identity, and diverse cultural perspectives. A thematic literature unit suitable for eleven to fourteen year olds has been designed to enable children to explore these concepts by reading and responding to a variety of children's literature. The literature serves as a springboard for discussion of these concepts and helps children look at themselves and others in new ways. In this project, the writer describes the process of designing a thematic literature unit with the goal of developing children's global understanding, acceptance and knowledge of themselves and others. This includes the selection of learning outcomes, learning resources, learning experiences and the development of assessment and evaluation tools. Then a framework has been developed to demonstrate the implementation of this thematic literature unit in an elementary classroom.