This study represents but the initial phase of a multidisciplinary endeavor sponsored by the Russian and East European Studies Center of the University of California, Los Angeles, the ultimate goal of which is to provide a comprehensive ...
Americans from Yugoslavia
This study represents but the initial phase of a multidisciplinary endeavor sponsored by the Russian and East European Studies Center of the University of California, Los Angeles, the ultimate goal of which is to provide a comprehensive ...
The objective of the work is to identify, explore and communicate the various dimensions of intricate phenomenon of immigration presented by the modern emigrant American author Isabel Allende who shares her personal and first hand ...
African American indentured servants and free blacks migrated to Indianapolis. After the Civil War, southern blacks poured into the city. Fleeing war and political unrest, thousands of eastern and southern Europeans came to Indianapolis.
Why did emigrants leave their homeland and move to Minnesota? Where in the state did they settle? What did they do, and how did they organize? How did they maintain...
Selected materials produced by Title IX Ethnic Heritage Studies Program projects, funded from 1974 through 1978, are evaluated in this catalog. The materials were selected by three panels of evaluators...
The Library Catalogs of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University -- Catalog of the Western Language...
The interdisciplinary volume offers methodologically innovative approaches to Austria's coping with issues of migration past and present. These essays show Austria's long history as a migration country. Austrians themselves have...
Australian National Bibliography