Abramowitz, Alan I., “Rejoinder,” in Pietro S. Nivola and David W. Brady, eds., Red and Blue Nation? Vol. ... The Myth of a Polarized America, 2nd ed., New York: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. Fiorina, Morris P., and Matthew ...
The Democratic Party is a coalition of social groups that act as discrete voting blocs for candidates, constituencies for group leaders, and demanders of particular policy commitments.
One in Four: An Examination of the Alliance Performance at Constituency Level in the 1983 General Election
Matthew Levendusky argues that partisan animosity stems in part from partisans' misperceptions of one another. Democrats and Republicans think they have nothing in common, but this is not true.
It deals with questions like : How do members see their rote in the party ? What influence do they claim? How do they take action ? This book provides new insights into party membership in Europe.
While the chapters throughout this volume certainly document the extent of personalization, they also seek to address some fundamental questions about the nature of personalization, how it is manifested, and its consequences for political ...