Hugh Martin: The Boy Next Door is an enchanting jaunt through the Golden Era of Broadway and the MGM musicals. This firsthand account captures the energy and excitement of those special times, with eyewitness tales of Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, and dozens more. Hugh recounts the origins of some of America's most beloved songs, including the perennial favorite, "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." Martin also reveals some secrets that only he could know: the truth about his composition partner Ralph Blane, his addiction to the infamous Dr. Feelgood, Max Jacobson; how he was instrumental in turning Gene Kelly from a performer to a choreographer during the staging of Best Foot Forward; and what it was really like to be part of the MGM musical production machine. As Hugh enters his 96th year, this could be America's last chance to hear these stories from a living source. They are full of his signature charm, grace, musicality, and poeticism.
A biography of the eighteen-century Austrian composer.
While detained in a German prison camp, a French composer is given a rare opportunity to write music again.
It is interesting to read this in Michael R. Booth's introduction to a volume of Robertson's plays : This audience [ at the Prince of Wales's ] did not seek to have its comfortable middle - class values challenged , nor was it sceptical ...
Casting must have been done in early winter, when Queenie Smith was free of her previous engagement, the musical Helen of Troy, which closed in New York on 1 December 1923.7 Smith, who went on to appear in further musicals, ...
Jahrbuch der Zeitschrift Opernwelt , Zürich , 1999 , S. 40-44 Rokeah , David : Du hörst es immer , Hanser , München , 1985 Roth , Markus : „ Der Gang ins Verstummen . Heinz Holligers Beiseit - Zyklus nach Robert Walser “ , in : Musik ...
A superb, illustrated account of the lives and works of the most respected and eminent classical composers through the ages
"Discover classical music through the ages, and the lives of the people who wrote and performed it.
Neil Diamond has been responsible for writing some of the most memorable songs in pop music history and he has sold in excess of 120 million albums.
A new, expanded edition of Richard Wagner's letters to his family.
46 , 62 , 63 , 69 , 70 , 76 , 83 , 84 , 87 , 91 , 93 , 101 , 124 , 126 , 130 , 131 , 134 , 166 , 167 , 183 , 186 , 187 , 195 , 200 , 212 , 217 , 228 - 231 , 241 , 244 , 281 , 284 , 333 , 465 , 497 Perales . 199 Pereda , José María .