Describes ideas and solutions to some of the most important social, economic, and environmental problems facing the United States in the twenty-first century.
本书对美国教育的现状、存在的问题做了深刻的分析,提出教改应该是一个持续不断的重新规划,一个集愿景规划和革新机制为一体的过程。还借鉴了计算机使用原理 ...
Current reform strategies , as Hill and Celio ( 1998 ) insightfully argue , serve to segment different initiatives resulting in fragmentation of effort . Hill and Celio identify seven different major strategies for reform currently ...
First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
In P. Senge, N. CambronMcCabe, T. Lucas, B. Smith, J. Dutton, & A. Kleiner (Eds.), Schools that learn: A fifth discipline fieldbook for educators, parents, and everyone who cares about education (pp. 385-394). New York: Doubleday.
This guide for policymakers at all levels illuminates common ground between education reform and service learning and encourages the inclusion of service learning as a viable partner in education reform efforts.
Upper Saddle River, NJ; Columbus, OH: Pearson; Merrill / Prentice Hall. Laska, J., & Juarez, T. (1992). Grading and marking in American schools: Two centuries of debate. Springville, IL: Charles C. Thomas. Lepper, M., & Greene D. (Eds.) ...
We also appreciate the support and assistance of the SERP project monitors at OERI — Ron Anson (Uses of Time); Jim Fox (Systemic Reform); Harold Himmelfarb (At Risk); Susan Klein (School-Based Management); Oliver Moles (Community ...
“ I use computers for everything , ” says Iris Gillon , a Juilliard - trained concert pianist and composer whose Manhattan apartment is crammed with electronic keyboards , synthesizers , sequencers , a drum machine , and a Macintosh ...
This book includes eleven interviews of the Provost of Washington University in St. Louis by academic leaders at the university.
Navigating the Politics of Detracking: Leadership Strategies