Lure of the Vampire: A Pop Culture Reference Book of Lists, Websites and Very Personal Essays

Lure of the Vampire: A Pop Culture Reference Book of Lists, Websites and Very Personal Essays
Social Science
Bertena Varney M. a.


This is the 1st edition of this book out of THREE books. There is an updated second and THIRD edition available with the same name . Do you ever wonder where vampires come from? Why women love those hot sexy vampires on television or in books? Why vampires are no longer scary to kids? These and other questions are answered within. Lure of the Vampire is a pop culture reference book that begins with the history and mythology of vampires and ends with interviews of modern living vampires. The author has provided "fun" lists like the Powers of Dracula, Real Live Vampire Murders, Television Shows and African Americans who have played vampires. There are also websites in each section that show the most popular vampire books and even children's shows and books. But, there is a personal twist when it comes to Lure of the Vampire. The author has provided personal essays from national and international vampire authors as well as her own. They range from a personal look at vampires in mythology to the romantic lust filled vampire. There are also interviews with various groups and individuals involved in the vampire community. Lure of the Vampire: A Pop Culture Reference Book of Lists, Websites, and "Very Telling" Personal Essays is a perfect quick to grab reference book for the vampire fan or author. It is concise enough to assist you in finding links to what you are looking for without our being too cumbersome and confusing.

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