This Teddy Searle Adventure begins in mid-1950s Arkansas. You meet his Mama, his Daddy, his Uncle Chas, and God-help-us, his Aunt Gail. They make a tight family, and all-for-one sort of bunch, except the "one" always seems to be Teddy, with his knack for getting himself, and the rest of them, in hot, hot water. In spite of himself, Teddy is a lucky bar of wet soap. Surrounded, trapped, or chased, he squirts out of stressful moments at the last second--most of the time, that is. Sometimes he gets help from the most secret of sources; then sometimes he gets help from those darn pigs. Uncle Chas thinks Teddy is the smartest person he's ever known, though Aunt Gail would certainly give you a second opinion. In "Voodoo Moon", you'll get a sense of where Teddy is going in life--and why. By the way, if you do figure out where Teddy is going in life, Teddy would appreciate a note from you with your thoughts. Teddy, after all, is a mystery to himself. -- p. 4 of cover.
A time travel mystery adventure for ages 8-11. A lost dog, a hidden time tunnel and a secret lake take Stella and Tom to their home and the children living there 100 years in the past.
Cliff Secord, an airplane racer, finds a secret rocket pack developed by and stolen from Howard Hughes, unaware that Nazi agents are after it.
Whisked away to Africa on this adventure in the tree house, Jack and Annie cannot believe all the wild animals they see.
It's not long before they learn the warning is right! In search of an old Chinese legend, they head to the palace of the dragon king. But he is not pleased to see them!
Fortælling. Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie deep into the sea, where they meet up with dolphins, sharks, and octopi as they search for the answer to an ancient riddle Climb the ladder to the Magic Tree House.
Eight-year-old Jack, his seven-year-old sister, Annie, and Peanut the mouse ride in a tree house to the Amazon rain forests, where they encounter giant ants, flesh-eating piranhas, hungry crocodiles, and wild jaguars.
When the magic tree house transports Jack and Annie back to the Middle Ages for another adventure, they follow a knight on horseback and sneak into a castle feast, only to be caught as spies!
Now master librarians, Jack and Annie are sent on a mission to find a lost story - in ancient Rome!
When the tree house lands in the freezing ice age, Jack and Annie have to hide from hunters and escape from a great cave bear.
L. Frank Baum, Grace Mabie. Library of Congress Cataloging - in - Publication Data Mabie , Grace , ( date ) The wonderful Wizard of Oz / by L. Frank Baum ; retold by Grace Mabie ; illustrated by Tom Newsom . p . cm .