Unbound, Unblinded, and Redeemed: My Journey from Mormonism to Christianity

Unbound, Unblinded, and Redeemed: My Journey from Mormonism to Christianity
Shawna K. Lindsey


Many people today are naively stating that Mormons are Christians. As a thirty year Mormon, I was taught that God used to be a man. I was taught that God the Father was from the star Kolob. I was taught that I was a procreated spirit sent down to earth and that I would become a god someday. I took blood oath covenants to give everything, even my life to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was taught that the Mormon Church was the stone spoken of in Daniel that was cut out of the mountain that would fill the whole world. Have you heard of the white horse prophecy of Joseph Smith? Someday when the United States Constitution would hang by a thread, the Mormon Priesthood would rise up and take over the government. Many prominent Mormons, such as Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, Glenn Beck, Orrin Hatch, Harry Reid and others have been taught this also. Does this sound like Christianity to you? Much of Mormonism is similar to Islam. Joseph Smith compared himself to Mohammed. This is my story of how God opened my eyes to the truth of Mormonism. It is a true account of what it is like inside this religion. It is a warning about what happens when a person believes lies and bases their life on these lies. After reading this book you will understand Mormonism for what it really is. You will understand the danger it poses to individuals and their families. You will understand better who Joseph Smith really was, not who the Mormon Church says that he was. You will see it for what it really is - a deceptive political organization claiming to grant salvation. Instead of it being an organization that blesses families, it often tears families apart.

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