Weight Loss: The Mindset to Crush the Frustrating Barriers for Good

Weight Loss: The Mindset to Crush the Frustrating Barriers for Good
Weight Loss
Coach izzy, Israel Sanchez


Remember when you thought you had it all figured out? You had the motivation, the resources, and the guides. You were pumped and sure that this time, you'd conquer that stubborn scale. You planned your exercise, your food, and were more determined than ever to make it. Alas, after three months, it was no longer fun or rewarding. Excitement was replaced by despair, frustration usurped the place of motivation, and more confusion thwarted yet another promise. The feeling was unfortunately all too familiar as it was not the first time it had ever happened. What is it that you keep doing wrong? Why is no program effective? Why do results evade you? And sadly, you are not alone! Statistics show that the failure rate for those starting an exercise or nutrition program is 88% within the first three months. The picture is even bleaker in the long term, with the failure rate reaching 99% within one year. The latest advances in exercise science, nutrition, and medicine have done little to improve these dismal stats. Could it be that it's time to discard the madness of focusing on the latest research, and focus instead, on what really matters? When people fail, it is rarely for lack of effort. The real problem is that the efforts were misdirected. However, when those efforts are channeled properly, results materialize and become permanent. And this is what this book reveals. It cannot be argued that a solid foundation is crucial for the success of any endeavor, whether health related or not. Unfortunately, most people have a skewed understanding of what a solid foundation means. Good intentions and plans are excellent, but useless -and occasionally harmful- if done under the misguidance of a poor foundation. That's why most exercise and fitness programs fail. It is because they are built upon a feeble foundation, which in turn, makes most people sabotage their efforts unknowingly. The book is the non-diver version of Scuba Diving Fitness: The Missing Component Extortion, Bribes, And Shysters Cannot Get You. At the request of his scuba diving readers, Israel created a version with the same message without the diving references. This book focuses on the largely ignored but irreplaceable foundation of preparing the mindset, and how it manifests to materialize our goals. Many are afraid to address it because they only see it as an emotional component, and still embrace the outdated notion that it is exercise or diet what creates lasting results. This book is written to help you build a true solid foundation for your health and fitness dreams. It does so by reshaping your mindset and making it receptive to new -and occasionally conflicting- concepts. It will show you how the foundation of the mindset is largely ignored because it's so evident. It will show you how tapping into the power of the mindset is not the esoteric trickery to which it has been degraded, but rather, a continuum now widely recognized by science. It is only by learning to harness this power that you will finally be ready to turn your dream of a great body and great health, into a living reality. You will also be ready to ditch familiar but infective beliefs, and welcome the new methods and ideas that will make a difference but cannot survive in an outdated, toxic mindset. Notice: You can download your Victory Journal templates and take advantage of one of the simplest and most powerful tools available. The instructions to access your Victory Journal templates are inside.