The author presents his perception and interpretation of biblical prophecy occurring in the current events of our world today.
9 The Irony of Southern History In a time when nationalism sweeps everything else before it , as it does at present , the regional historian is likely to be oppressed by a sense of his unimportance . America is the all - important ...
The counterfeit photograph of black Confederate soldiers is clearly visible in a YouTube video uploaded on August 24, 2010, ... The provenance of the photo, however, is described in detail in Jerome S. Handler and Michael L. Tuite, ...
"By re-examining the Chinese woman poet Li Qingzhao, Egan discusses the traditional manipulation of her image to mold her talent to make it compatible with ideals of womanly conduct and identity, and reveals the difficulty literary culture ...
The air in Wagoner's office full of antique reproductions and a good Oriental rug was decidedly uneasy. A single file folder lay in the center of Wagoner's otherwise immaculate desk. “Mrs. Stern issued written instructions to dissolve ...
That decision, he argues, marked America's first definitive step toward embroilment in Indochina, the start of a long series of moves that would lead the Johnson administration to commit U.S. combat forces a decade and a half later.
In The Burden of Black Religion, Curtis Evans traces ideas about African American religion from the antebellum period to the middle of the twentieth century.This important work reveals how interpretations of black religion played a crucial ...
Sharing the Burden explains how the Armenian struggle for survival became so entangled with the debate over the international role of the United States as it rose to world power status in the early twentieth century.
Ultimately, Think Again demonstrates that the solution to thinking too much about ourselves is to look to Christ, and it gives readers the tools to begin to turn from the mirror.
Investigation is continuing with the return of PI Ray Infantino in a new release crime thriller written by “a bold new poet of American noir - This is the book Chandler would have written if he’d been a real-life private eye.” – ...
Using the lives of the three outstanding French intellectuals of the twentieth century, renowned historian Tony Judt offers a unique look at how intellectuals can ignore political pressures and demonstrate a heroic commitment to personal ...