Sea Salt Fertilization: Healthier Soil and a Healthier You!

Sea Salt Fertilization: Healthier Soil and a Healthier You!
Eryn Paige


From Eryn Paige, author of How to Grow Glorious Wheatgrass at Home Tutorial - With Salty Sea Mineral Eco-Fertilization for Superior Mineral Rich Soil.What is sea salt fertilization? Is salt really bad for soil, and for us too? Is seawater and its salt destructive, or are they a tremendous secret ally that can grow more nutritious plants that lead to increased disease resistance and better health - for both plants and us? Well, join Eryn Paige on her journey to revealing the incomparable storehouse of nutrients in the salty ocean that can dramatically help our soil and thus humankind. Pivotal information that can dramatically help us all.... How much unnecessary unwellness, hormonal imbalance, disease, and suffering exist because our soil is mineral depleted and is bombarded with harmful chemicals that also permeate our environment? Eryn believes now is the time to awaken to the hidden powers in the phenomenal solution of vintage seawater and its sea salt....You will see several colorful and educational pictures, including pictures of her unhealthy and sickly looking wheatgrass, and then see how good sea salt from seawater solved so many growing challenges and produced batch after batch of vigorous, lush, and more succulent wheatgrass with an even sweeter flavor. There is so much to learn from Mother Nature. Are marine creatures immersed in clean seawater with 90 plus minerals in phenomenal health, especially as compared to land animals eating foods grown in mineral depleted soil? Does the animal kingdom love and actually need salt to survive? What astounding positive health changes can occur in mice when sea salt fertilized foods are eaten? Is all sea salt the same? What is the right kind of sea salt to use? What salt should you absolutely not use? Get the answers to those questions, plus so much more in this book.Read Sea Salt Fertilization - Healthier Soil and a Healthier You! and it is undeniable that you will never look at the powerful ocean the same. With the knowledge in this book, and henceforth implementing sea salt fertilization on a global scale, a much healthier world can await us all. What are we waiting for?Eryn is also author of How to Grow Glorious Wheatgrass at Home Tutorial - With Salty Sea Mineral Eco-Fertilization for Superior Mineral Rich Soil. She knew a standalone book on this sea salt fertilization subject was necessary to help spread the good news on this extremely significant topic.